Sunday, 16 September 2012

Inspiration: good and Bad

Uwe Boll
This man has ruined far to many video game movie's, and so i want to at least make one film better then him. Which shouldn't be hard considering how bad nearly every film he has made is. And in all honestly i just figured he was an all right guy who made bad films, till the whole challenged his Critics to boxing matches, and then backed out when one had some marital arts training. -_- that made me see him in a different light.
And so not only dose he make bad movie's, like really really bad movie's, he is also a chicken when fighting people who can fight back.

One of my hopes is that i make a much better film then him. Which if you have watched any of his films shouldn't really by that hard, to be spot on a better 'House of the dead' film.

So in a way this German film maker is both a good thing and a bad thing

This is something that made me see how you can make somthing creative and amazing free, when this internet person made this fighting game, making the sprites, the storys the background and the voice acting all from scratch it really did make me want to go and do it my self

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