Sunday 23 September 2012

Max Landis, amazing young director/writer

Max Landis
Son of director and costume designer John Landis, he is right now most well know for his found footage super hero film 'Chronicle' which was one of the best new superhero films made which he wrote, which really helped show the many different directions in which the whole 'people get super powers' direction those types of film's can go in.

And along with that made some of the best cheaply made short film's about comic books, having famous stars as cameo's in this short film, a lot more then just something to help get his movie out there, as he did it a few other times before with just a lot less money, and for some reason this just really find those video's amazing. with cheap costumes and wrong casting for characters just really makes those video's stand out and seem really good in that sort of bad way.

Mortal Kombat: Rebirth

This live action short really shows how a reboot should be made, ingratiating the old characters and modernizing them and making them work in a new and interesting way.

Directed by Kevin Tancharoen, who directed fame and glee the 3d concert (no one saw this coming from him at all), this was a way for him to show the movie studio that owned Mortal Kombat what he could do if it was allowed to make an 18 rated Mortal Kombat film, and it worked as he is now set to direct the film and for it to come out next year. 

I don't think it will be like this...but it will beat the last 2 movie's, which isn't saying much and sets the bar quite low. but never the less the web series that came after this really dose help set the feeling of MK in the real world, sort of. 

Rooster Teeth
A relatively small taxes company that started off small and is one of the biggest things on the internet right now, most famous for there web series 'Red Vs Blue' that is made using the 'Halo', they at frist just started to review games when they where drunk, in a hope that a company would send them games to review, in which they only got sent one game as far as i know.

But after 'Red Vs Blue' hit it off they soon became a much bigger company over the year's and it is really amazing to see how far they have come, from being a bunch of drunk ferinds to being a full blown company and it was all with the internet.

After that they have people like Elijah Wood working with them, a full blown 3D animation guy to make the actions scene's really look like they belong in a full blown film.

The Cabin in the Woods and Scream Series

Awesome and amazing film,i put these two together because they both are very much a sort of deconstruction of each of there own genre of horror film.

With The Cabin in the woods being a deconstruction of the whole, drunken teenagers go into the woods and are murdered by a monster, and turning it on it head and really being full of interesting twist and a good story, along with amazing visuals and one of the bloodest and over the top monster attack scene's in modern film really just amazing seeing the way's that people some up with for monsters to kill other people.

And Scream, and its squeals, at first the scream film was meant to make sure that the 'slasher film' genre would die, but it did the opposite in fact  adding new life to the genre, with director Wes Craven behind it. Each film the killer acts the same way a slasher film killer would, making sure that he really dose the same as anyone like Jason Voorhee's or Freddy Kruger would act, killing the girl, the virgin lives, if your drunk and having sex your gonna die, and there is even the most famous scene in the film where the film buff nerd points these all out, and they all happen in the film, each of the 1st 3 films has the same nerdy film guy saying the rules, and each one is different as its a squeal and then a 3rd film and the rules change up each time, and everyhting he is saying is true. I have idea what made this film so popular but i am really glad it was.

Grant Morrison

Grant Morrison

One of the strangest men in comics, a comic book writer, playwright and occultist. writer of one of the best selling graphic novels in history 'Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth' with this comic showing a darker and stranger batman and his villains and what is really got him off the floor.

I also think he is the only writer to write him self into a comic book so he can talk to the character him self...which is more then a little strange to be honest, becuase there's 4th wall breaking and then there's that.

Mark Millar

Mark Millar
The creator of two of my favorite  creator owned comic's, 'Wanted' 'Nemesis' and 'Kick-ass' and its squeal, one of the greatest Superman story's ever told, where Superman was raised in Soviet Russia  'Red Son'.

an incredible creative man with each of his series starting and all ready have made it to the screen, and each time has a interesting and different take on the superhero/villain  story as a whole, each time creating memorable characters each for a different reason's of there own, either lovable or just hated for the things they have done.

Mortal Kombat Annihilation or How to make horrible squeal

One of the worst video game movies ever made, from bad acting, to many character's and pointless cameo's that made no sense what so ever, cheesy and badly made effects that got worse when compared to the first film and it really should be the the other way round, using the same opening credits as the first film and just adding Annihilation onto it.

As a fan of this series this movie really just made my eye's melt and wanted to make me burn every copy ever in the world, its so far from even being a 'bad good' film that its really not worth the money or time that was put into making this film, when it could have been put to some kind of good use and not into this horrible thing.